Speaker match for Chord DAVE and D'Agostino Progression Integrated

Looking for floorstander suggestions to audition with new Chord DAVE DAC and D’Agostino Progression Integrated. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, classic rock and Indie. Listening room is 15x21x14 ft high. Budget? Good question. $20k -$50 (assuming I can find a good used $50k at $25k...)

Replacing PS Audio BHK 300 monos/BHK pre (primarily for space considerations) and Modwright Oppo Sonica DAC. In the past I’ve had Harbeth m30.2s with HSU subs. Went with Focal Kanta 3s for a slightly more "forward" less "polite" sou sound.I will see how my Focals play with the new electronics, but will also be auditioning others. I know it’s a broad ask. Thanks for any direction.
no disrespect but don't you have it backwards?  should have the speakers just you love, then match upstream gear to suit?

@jjss49 Point taken.  Indeed I do love the Kantas.  However I need to get away from my current mono block/pre separates as I've recently moved to smaller quarters and need to downsize size - but not SQ.  Similarly with my current DAC.  So downsizing for space allows my to upgrade electronics quality substantially (I hope).  Possibly bass-ackwards, but this is my process.  If I hear commensurate SQ improvement in speakers with DAVE AND D'Agostino then I'm set.  Thanls.  
Nice electronics.  With your sized room, price range, and preferences I’d highly recommend putting Joseph Audio Pearls on your list to audition.  Best of luck.