Streaming: WiFi or wired??

Looking to get a new streamer for a system based on Kii Three. WiFi signal is good but I’m also told that wired is always better. Specific streamer advice also welcomed; (no need to rip CD's). Thx in advance for any/all advice!
I use WiFi, but if I could use Ethernet I would.  The usual issues people have is channel congestion with neighbors.  Depends on where you live and who is around you. In an apartment, getting a clear channel can be a weekly time sucker.

In a home on an acre of land, not so much.
I have a silly question: would using LNPS's on a modem and main router in a mesh system make a difference if the stereo system is connected to a satellite router via Ethernet? I think the answer is likely 99% to be no. But I feel like the obvious no's change every 10-20 years in this hobby.

I have been playing with home networking over the last year. Wifi 6 and mesh are the emerging standards. However, systems deploying both wifi 6 and mesh are only starting to hit the market. 

I picked up a Netgear wifi 6 router a year ago, but traded it out for a Google mesh WiFi system earlier this year. Mesh is the way to go for sure, as every room in my relatively small house has a similar connection. And I also love how simple Google software is compared to traditional router software. 

I run the stereo system from the main router, but the home theater is connected to a satellite router. So I won't test my question anytime soon. 
I have a Note2 and use WiFi and it sounds great. I tried it connected and could tell zero difference. If you have the bandwidth WiFi sound is excellent.
Go wires so you can put risers under there too. 

Wireless only for me. Works great.
I've ran my old Squeezebox Touches both wired and wirelessly, and have done the same with my current Raspberry Pi players.

As others have said, as long as the wireless signal strength is good, I find no difference is audio quality nor the responsiveness of the player in starting and controlling music. Wired is a little easier to set up if you are close to the router or switch and can connect with an easily concealed cable, but I have no problem switching to wireless if that means I don't have to run a cable between rooms or leave wiring exposed. Point is, don't waste time worrying about it for audio.