Tempted to buy a Macintosh

I am quite tempted to buy a Macintosh amp, and would like to learn more about it.

I have a Almarro 318B (18W) integrated and a Triode Lab 2A3 integrated.  For speakers, I have a set of Zu Omen Def I and Spatial Audio X5.  I haven’t heard a Masintosh in person.  I mainly like its retro look.  From reviews, I heard it has a very smooth sound, which may match with my listening preference.  I only listen to Jazz and Bossa Nova with low-medium volume.  And my questions are:

1) My speakers are efficient speakers and I listen in low volume.  So, I don’t need and want big power.  Is Macintosh a good match to my speakers?  I have no interest to change my speakers for now.

2) my budget is around $3000 for used equipment.  That is not a lot for a Mac.  So, it seems I would go for an integrated.  

3) I like tubes, but it seems Macintosh is more a SS brand.  And it seems there is no tube integrated.  The entry level MA252 is a hybrid with a tube preamp and SS amp.  I listen to some your tube video and it sounds great.  But of course, can’t draw any conclusion base on YouTube videos.  Is that a good choice to step into Macintosh world?  Or people would suggest to go different routes to get the full potential of Macintosh?  That is all SS, or separate tube pre amp (e.g. Coincident or Supratek) and power amp (MC275)?
The Firstwatt, mentioned above, is fantastic. Much louder than you would think with 25 watts. Here's the kicker.........you can crank the J2 up super loud......the sound is as clear as normal listening volumes. I've never had an amp so clear near the top of its peak volume. It is really amzing once you hear the clarity in person. I've been told the Benchmark amp is super clear as well.
No matter how I like McIntosh, it seems it won’t match my speaker.  Definitely over power.  At the beginning, I though more power is not necessarily a bad thing.  Yes, the volume gained can be a problem, but I read it will give tighter bass.  I also read that higher power amp “May” also have less detailed, and have more stress on mid range.  This is exactly how I feel when using my Almarro on the Spatial Audio X5.  I think if my speakers don’t have a power subwoofer, then the extra power can be beneficial.  However, with my Zu and Spatial X5, McIntosh seems really not a good match.  But thanks for helping me to learn more about McIntosh.  
Zu and Spatial speakers are very high efficiency speakers. Those sounds best with low powered pure tube amplifiers. No need for crazy powerful amps here.
I'm thinking of a McIntosh c53 or c2700 preamp to pair with my Firstwatt. I like the idea of tone controls since I listen to 78's and many vintage recordings. Plus, I like to bump the low end up a notch on RVG mastered albums.
The McIntosh 3 year warranty is only valid for the original purchaser and cannot be transferred. If you’re buying used then not much of an issue as most second hand gear would be in excess of 3 years old I guess. Mac will repair and service gear if not original owner no problem.
I have an MA8000 solid state 300w integrated and love it. (Has a really good quality headphone amp built in as well). Can be bought for around $5,000 or £5,000 in UK on the used market. Bought mine 18 months ago on Ebay when it was just over 2 years old and been 100% reliable so far. Sounds silky smooth and doesn’t take up much room either compared to separates.