Fidelity Research FR64s Headshell dilemma

Dear FR64S users can you help me please. I have an FR64S that i bought without a headshell. I have only just got round to getting it mounted. I did pivot to spindle distance of 231.5 (the alternative distance' I also have an armboard for 230.
I tried a Sony headshell that i had - it was 2mm short of correct alignment. So I bought a new Jelco headshell it was also too short. 
CAn you tell me what headshell does work to allow other cartridges to work. I'm just using a DL103 for alignment first as I fettle the rest of my front end.

Orsonic AV-101 silver or black
AudioCraft or IKEDA

or a bit ligher AudioCraft and Fidelity-Research

watcha like ?

what is the size and weight of the counterweight on your 64s tonearm ?

I have used Ortofon LH9000 (for high effective mass, weighs 18g by itself) and Oyaide and Yamamoto carbon fiber headshells (both weigh ~10g; for high-ish compliance cartridges).  In fact, I have never owned an FR headshell and wouldn't be looking for one, because they do not have the best reputation for sonics.  With the P2S set at 231.5mm, as in your case, the headshell screws are about midway in the slots of all 3 of those headshells, when doing Baerwald alignment.  So I don't know what your problem could be; it should work fine.
Actually i was using my clearaudio alignment gage - which i know is a bit different to Bearwald and Lofgren - although i must say i've always been happy with the results. I may try the other protractors first