Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
MacBook Pro with a Weiss DAC1 mkII FW and Amarra. Lovely midrange and the best bass I've heard. Totally smooth high end too.
Currently I'm using my Oppo BDP-83 Bluray/multiplayer. Very nice machine given its modest price. The stereo output section has Cirrus Logic 4398 high end dacs.

I've also begun to import my vinyl into my Macbook using either Audacity or Garage Band. This is to then mix down to Redbook CD format to make CD's of my vinyl. The first few discs were via the Mac's built in A/D converter. But I'm now adding a Tascam outboard digital interface unit that should get me even better importing of vinyl to my Macbook. I'll import using 24 bits 88.2 or 96 and mix down to 16 bit Redbook to burn CDR's I may keep some favs in 24 bit mode on the hard drive and play back via the Tascam's 24/96 D/A converters.
Nad 565bee CD Player
Because it's not a Vinyl sound but quality digital.
I enjoy having the best of both
Do you find the selectable oversampling and filters on the 565bee to be useful? Do you notice much of a difference with different settings? Thanks!