Pure Audio Project open baffle speakers


Has anyone out there tried these?

They sound intriguing 

Are there any/many got-ya's like room size, speaker placement in room, amp size/type etc...

A friend tried DIY open baffle a couple of years ago and they were quite large

My problem at the time was the amount of space I had available. I have since moved into a new house with a much larger listening area - 17' x 42' with 8 ft ceiling

Thanks for any input - Cheers

@mijostyn - your statement about very low bass - are you thinking about "LFE style" low bass (below 20 Hz) or the bass produced by stringed instruments e.g. low A on a concert piano is around 27 Hz.

The very low bass is going to be very confused. I would cross over to a sealed sub at 100 Hz.

I seriously doubt that. My X3s go reach down to 25 hz with authority. The bass is very controlled and pitch correct. OB bass is probably about the most natural reproduction of the lower frequencies you are likely to hear, along with horn loaded bass. Both can be exceptional.


@acresverde  Thanks for the help. I guess there is of course more than one Ozzy, as I would like to be named Ozzy as well. Just not the bat-eating one.