Cartridge alignment with non slotted headshell?

With headshells that don’t allow for alignment, how is this a good choice? Some examples, Yamamoto HS-6, Ortofon lh10000, and many vintage ones I’ve seen. Without a slotted headshell I don’t see a way for rotating the cartridge for zenith adjustment. Also, it will be very difficult to get the the overhang 100%. This also goes for SPU’s in SPU headshells. One reason I think my SPU Royal N is a better choice than in SPU headshell. Am I missing something or are the people using these not caring about proper alignment?
Dear @sdrsdrsdr  : You are rigth, in those kind of cartridges you just can't set up the zenith parameter.

In those vintage times no one cares about not even the tonearm/cartridge manufacturers and Ortofon just gave and gives them what they ask for,

IMHO, all those tonearm/cartridge with fixed non removable headshells ( but Ortofon. ) were or are just stupid designers and we are more stupid that they are because we bougth those items.

So stupid those designers and audiophiles that they choosed Stevenson alignment for the tonearm/cartridge set up when this kind of alignment is theworst one with the higher tracking error/tracking distortions all over the recorded LP surface but its last 3mms.

Go figure ! ! ? ?  and exist avid proponents of those items ! ! ! 

Ignorance/extreme low knowledge levels is everywhere.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Stupid ones, go figure the list:
Stupid Ortofon
Stupid Technics
Ultra stupid Saec
Stupid Jelco
And my stupid Saec 308SX still tracks the best with the topmost stupid geometry using stupid test disc. From time to time I do think that due to weird geometry I have to sell it but as I don’t care enough about stupid geometry so it will stay.

No it's geometry classics. In the old days in Egypt it was started as science to measure the land, now we do measure sound with it.

I guess we choose what we want. Slotted headshells if we want the versatility to achieve perfect alignment with our protractor.  I have found that unless a mirrored protractor like Smartractor or Mint LP protractor that has the hologram lines underneath the glass to line up with the top lines, it is hard to see zenith accurate anyway.

I always felt  my EMT TSD-15 in EMT headshell could sound better in the nude version with  slotted headshell. These plug and play versions (like spu) were great back in the day when not many knew how to do cartridge alignment. And they’re still great now for people that still want this convenience.