To horn or not to horn

I have never owned a horn speaker. I’m curious if there are any who are first time horn speaker owners after having owned other types of speakers for many years, and are you glad you switched?

Not much love 🤷‍♂️

Try switching the question around the other way and you'll probably be killed in the rush.

Cheers George
Horns bring a couple of interesting dimensions.  Dispersion control (less room tuning to worry about) and high efficiency and dynamics.

There's a good reason why JBL's top end home speakers use them. :)
You might want to read my forum...Horn Speaker Suggestions.  I went through a very long process before deciding on horn speakers.  Never in a million years did I think I would end up with horn speakers.  I listened to tons of very high end non horn speakers before deciding on Viking Acoustic Grande Voix speakers.  What sold me was the clarity of sound. I love hearing each instrument and that is what horn speakers do for me.