RIP Art Dudley

WoW. What a loss for all of us. He was funny, cantankerous, opinionated, can pile on adjectives to describe. The best would probably be unique. His family lost a husband and father, we lost a friend and mentor. He intuitively understood that just because it was "new" did not mean it was "better" and that sometimes the past can teach us about the present and future. I will go back and read from my collection of Listener magazines, and then relish the last few articles that will appear in SP. He will not be easy to replace, and he will not be forgotten.
Very sad news. I'll add my voice to the universal chorus of well-deserved praise that Art deserves. His writing and clarity were almost always "on point" and beautifully succinct: the Hemingway of audio journalism?
A bunny for the great Art Dudley. Putting on Gene Clark's "If You're Gone" right now.

 I read an article that he wrote, and it is easy to see how people liked his writing. Funny guy, gets you relaxed to read on, then little bit here and there, he lets you know that he is no fool.