What's the best isolation system?

Let's hear your ideas on isolation. I'm hoping this will be a survey of systems featuring the different cone products including Mapleshade Triplepoints and heavy hats, Audiopoints various sizes and their footers, Black Diamond, DB Systems etc; through products like Vibrapod and the sorbathane gel feet,include the bearing type products like Aurios, and how you implemeneted or combined systems for the best sound.

If anyone has tried the Van Slyke Engineering Tri Orbs that have been heavily advertised I'd like to know also.

For instance I'm now using a hybrid Vibrapod sandwich which includes a set of Vibrapods (tumed for each component) a quarter inch piece of plate glass, and then Audiopoint or Mapleshade cones (I'm trying to decide between the two.) I have arrived at this combo by a couple of years of listening in a friends and my system by carefully substituting one product at a time.

Hope to hear from you all.
I would judge active devices over-engineered. Passive done right is divine. Less is more sometimes. The real problems with air bladders are (1) they have the wrong geometry, (2) they leak air through the rubber fabric, (3) they have too much internal damping, (4) they generally don’t have low enough resonant frequency Fr and finally (5) they generally don’t isolate in more than one direction. 🔝
I clicked on the topic thinking somebody wants advise on the best sound system for self isolation...
Target equipment stands worked for years, then Quadraspire Sunoko Vent, now Quadraspire Reference X.
after using a top rack like TAOC or Bassocontinuo I sold all devices.
In the long run it is more economical.
Apart from that the best i have tried are the topline feet from Acoustic System. No signature.