Preamp and Amp how much influence each contributes?

A lot of people Claim preamp has more influence on sound than amp. But in reality there are close to 10 :1 discussions on amps than preamp. What’s your thoughts? And how  would you distribute your money between them? How much sound quality do you sacrifice for a same power integrated amp?
If the front end of the system doesn't get it right, the best amp and speakers in the world won't do you any good. Each part the system has to stand on its own merits.
Assuming digital source only.How many of you would spend more on preamp than amp? Take Pass For example: how much difference a $9500 XP22 preamp will bring you over the $5800 XP12? I am sure the xp22 will be better. Most people have a limited budget. I am just looking for the most bang for my money. I know the extra $3700 will buy me a lot more power from Pass lab amp which will benefits a lot for most floor speakers.
I own several preamps,
each add their own sound except one.
ONKYO p308 ads bass oomph, and a nice midrange chunky sound which is awesome.

b&k pro10mc is great, almost no added tone, with a slight bass and treble emphasis.
McCormack LD-2 is great adding a bit of midrange depth,o and treble clarity.

sanders sound preamp is the best straightwire pre, I’ve ever owned. It’s essentially a straightwire with gain as I’ve found.
At low volume, it seems bass weak, when pushed,, the low end just appears. With 2oK of capacitance, it shines at louder levels.
  Best pre I’ve heard in a long time.

 You need to listen to a lot, and decide for ur self.

happy hunting. I’ve found my trio, and Each is great in their own way.
@kfz03110 if you're not sure about your speakers yet or if you go through speakers more frequently than your other components, it would probably be wiser to allocate higher priority to your amplifier budget in order to get an amplifier that will be capable of driving harder speaker loads.

In other words, if you change your speakers you might find your existing amplifier isn't driving them to their full potential. But that wouldn't be the case for the preamplifier which would either still be paired with the same amplifier or paired with a different amplifier which is still likely to have a high enough input impedance.

(That's all ignoring the question of sound character.)
since running a pre / power amp combo for the first time the sound quality is noticeably a little better compared to my very good integrated amp-  slightly better transparency.  
what really blows me away is the massive increase in jump factor dynamics and separation of instruments- especially using balanced connections.  
the difference is spectacular and highly recommended.