Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?

Of late have been eying the Spatial Audio line of open baffle speakers and like what I have seen and read so far.
Now I am extremely happy with my baby Maggies which have easily bested any and all box speakers in my room ( that I can afford anyways!).
So looking for opinions and views from actual owners of said open baffle speakers, what did you change from and what are the real strengths of the Spatials?
Not short of horsepower to feed them even though they do not need much juice by all accounts but you know the old saying, " too much is never enough!"
Thanks in advance.
No need to apologise lalitk!

The more information the better including other speaker brands than the ones I am looking at.

It all helps as do not want to go down another blind alley!
They are certainly "different" in appearance however the price is way past my budget, past, present and future unless I win the lottery... Lol.
Who said Swiss Gold is cheap..Lol. But jokes apart, I think they were a bargain when I compared them with following brands,

M3 Turbo S owner here. My Spatials are the first speaker I've owned in 25 years in this madness that gave me the "weight" in music that I've been looking for, specifically in classical music. Also, they have a naturalness to them that I really like.
Of the times I've listened to Maggie's, I've never felt they had sufficient bass or moved enough air.

I love my Spatials.