Where can I audition amps near Boston?

Hey all -

I'm planning to upgrade the power amp in my system in the next few months.  Brands I'm interested in are Bel Canto, McIntosh, and Quicksilver.

Does anyone know anyplace near Boston that carries any or all of these brands?  "Near Boston" for my purposes could include Rhode Island, eastern Connecticut, and southern New Hampshire.

I would love to be able to hear before I buy.

Thank you so much!
thank you everyone!

rsf507, my speakers are ohm walsh tall 1000s.  I can bring mine along if the venue is open to that.
Goodwins was mentioned. A few decades ago, I visited their showroom in the Boston area; it included a gorgeous listening room acoustically treated by a professional. The sound was incredible; it started my appreciation of how important acoustics are to reproduced sound. So if that sounds interesting to you, stop in there.
Goodwin's has a "no pressure" policy and as with all retail audio establishments there's a wide range of competence among the sales staff...they may not listen to what you're saying about whatever it is you may be looking for..."walk ins" are supposedly encouraged and for the most part I've had OK experiences there...try to find a Linn belt and they recommend you go online.
Make an appointment with Goodwins. It is not a place where you can just browse by and say, "Can I hear that?"