Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Yeah well people do deny the big bang, evolution and yes climate change , what can you do. I am not surprised someone hasn't started  denying  gravity calling it intelligent falling instead. 
Anyway I speak so much in part for cooling the too hot debate... I am not a scientist by any margin... But I learn to read.... :)

By the way I loved you all....
Yeah well people do deny the big bang, evolution and yes climate change , what can you do. I am not surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity calling it intelligent falling instead.

>>>>I reckon you mean you ARE surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity, in any case I deny that gravity is what most people think it is. 😬
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