Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

The problem with time and audio is that the time coordinates when the recording was made are captured on the recording, just as a camera captures the time coordinates on the photograph. The problem arises when the recording is played back, at some point in the future. The time coordinates that are integral to the recording interfere with our natural internal “time clock,” which is always PRESENT TIME. The confusion in the brain over conflicting time coordinates degrade our perception of sound significantly. The real sound, the very good sound, is in the room but we just can’t hear it properly or completely.
Wow!! That is exactly how the super beings in Contact communicated with Earth! “Those are Prime numbers!” Then they sent the video of Hitler speaking at the 1936 Olympics to see if the guys and gals at the antenna array in the desert were on their toes. Then they sent plans for building a time machine. 

Maybe when folks here someday get the science behind expensive esoteric and very poorly documented hifi tweaks down to the extent needed to have a meaningful discussion then there might be a useful discussion of more serious matters like climate change.

Meanwhile posting here is at least free so people will get their money’s worth.

>>>>Uh, oh, any time there’s talk of snow the flakes show up. ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
It appears so. But don’t feel too bad, even Einstein never got on board the quantum mechanics train or the Black Hole train. Toot Toot 🚂 Think of it as a form of self hypnosis. 😳
The problem is not convincing yourself whether climate change is real but convincing other people that it’s real. If you can’t convince other people how can you possibly be convinced yourself?

How do you know heaven is beautiful? 
“Because it’s what I wish to believe.” - Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, Science Officer, Prometheus

”Big things have small beginnings.” - The robot David in Prometheus
millercarbon OP
I and the Father are one. Well, of course you are. Thousands of years later and all of modern science has produced not one shred of evidence to the contrary.

>>>>You can’t prove a negative. Hel-loo! I am the Egg Man.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m a schizophrenic and so am I. 
Oh, geez, not Tony Heller again! How does he do that with his voice? 
I followed someone’s advice and looked in the mirror. But I didn’t see Jesus. 👿 
Something cannot be too big to be quantum mechanical. That was one of the concepts of Schrödinger’s cat. 🐈  In fact the double slit experiment applies not only to photons and electrons but also to bowling balls. 🎳 In fact, I have more than a few quantum mechanical products that are not small. I’ve been designing quantum mechanical dumaflaches for 15 years. My Super Intewigent Chip, by contrast, is very small inasmuch as it has only a million atoms for the active ingredient. That is small, gentle readers! The line between classical physics and quantum physics is getting very blurry.
If you want to actually learn something instead of lulling yourself into a catatonic state over mathematical or philosophical texts check out The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes.
You forgot your favorite, Roger Penrose, a Nobel laureate if I’m not mistaken, unlike all those dudes nobody ever heard of, who describes consciousness as quantum mechanical in his book, The Emperor’s New Mind. But all those heavy math dudes pale in comparison to Rupert Sheldrake’s opus, The Presence of the Past. The best part is it can be applied to audio. If it can’t be applied to audio I actually don’t care, even if the guy’s IQ can’t be measured. We had a guy in high school whose IQ couldn’t be measured. Nobody ever heard from him again. 
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call ... The Twilight Zone. 😲
Truth is a debatable commodity. My final pronouncement, at least for now. 🤗
Yes, and my point is you can forget about the sun, the moon and the stars because you can’t control them. You can only do what you can do.  😳
Of course the weather has been changing for millions of years, give me a break! That’s why there are called seasons. Hel-loo! We’re talking about extreme weather and weather-related events like monster fires 🔥 and monster tornados 🌪🌪. Monster floods, monster mudslides, monster earthquakes and Tsunami. Our solar system and our galaxy are in equilibrium, so look 👀 elsewhere for the answers to these burning questions. You can take the Sun, moon and stars off the table. Even solar flares 🌞 and sunspots. No offense to anyone living or dead. I suspect I’m probably the only one here who was involved with the International Sun-Earth Explorer ISEE satellites that studied the dynamic properties of Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind in front of the magnetosphere.
I get it now! The Sec. Treasury is poo pooing climate change because the Government cannot afford to fix the problem. It looks like we’re on our own as usual. Thanks for nothing. As Bob Dylan says at the end of his records, good luck to everyone.
This just in! Let’s not call it what it is. Well, that’s just great! So, now Sec. Treasury is the spokesman for climate change? 

“Let’s call it an environmental issue and not climate change,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on a panel Friday at WEF. Mnuchin was asked how climate change — a key theme at this year’s WEF —would impact the global economy moving forward. “It’s one of many important issues,” Mnuchin said, adding that he believes technological advances over the next 30 years may help to solve climate-related challenges.

How does it feel to have to come here? Does it help to have someone to talk to? I think I felt better when I was locked up in the hospital. I am thinking about asking the doctor to increase my medications. I’m already on seven different medications but I’m not sure they’re working. 🤡

Am I the only one who’s creeped out by Tony Heller’s voice? I mean, come on! However, I am the first to admit he does not seem to lack any self esteem. To whit, he says in his accomplishments summary,

“You will be hard pressed to find anyone with a broader and more successful career in science, education, environment and engineering.”

The thing he’s apparently most proud of is his work on computer/game consoles, which doesn’t really tie in all that well with weather data analysis if you ask me.
What possible motive could NASA or NOAA have for doctoring the climate data? It doesn’t make sense. And if it doesn’t make sense it’s not true. Is the Deep State up to their old shenanigans again? 😬
Hmmm, what to do?  I think I’ll go with the opposite of whatever Frank says. 
“Let’s call it an environmental issue and not climate change,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on a panel Friday at WEF. Or we could just call it Nancy. Anything except what it is. I didn’t realize Mnuchin was a climate expert as well as a money policy expert. 
“It’s a political world.” - Bob Dylan

We live in a political world
Icicles hanging down
Wedding bells ring
And angels sing
And clouds cover up the ground

“Everything is broken.” - Bob Dylan

Broken hands on broken ploughs,
Broken treaties, broken vows,
Broken pipes, broken tools,
People bending broken rules
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,
Everything is broken
I was thinking of Mick Jagger, mahgister, who were you thinking of?
millercarbon OP
I just told you he’s abolished regulations and expanded liberty. You call him a despot. Impeachment got no republican votes, and not even all the democrats either, and a couple democrats even left the party and became republican over this sham. This you call an overwhelming majority.

I guess when tens of thousands stand in line just to see him, and still more tens of thousands are turned away when the place is jammed, and a whole football stadium full of fans cheers and hollers and chants for him, well my guess is you have some equally delusional alternate universe version of that too.

>>>>You’ll have to pardon me but that’s what people said 80 years ago about a certain somebody. But I won’t mention any names.
Up next, how the US brought down the World Trade Center and pinned it on Al-Qaeda. Photographs and everything! 🤗
Yes, that is interesting. But why would NASA do that? On the other hand other data shows the recent years are definitely the warmest on record. That data was released only a few days ago, was it NOAA? What is also interesting is the large number of extreme weather related events that have been occurring. This is not (rpt not) business as usual. What does it all mean, jelly bean?
You don’t think I call them Brilliant Pebbles for no reason, do you? 🤗
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Yeah well people do deny the big bang, evolution and yes climate change , what can you do. I am not surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity calling it intelligent falling instead.

>>>>I reckon you mean you ARE surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity, in any case I deny that gravity is what most people think it is. 😬
Uh, the Hubble Space Telescope can see almost to the beginning of time, I.e., the Big Bang, 13 billion years ago. You would have to be a huge pseudo skeptic to deny the BB. Hel-loo! As for Penrose’s cycle of universes theory let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. 😛
You misunderstand, MC. It is my area. I was being tactful. 🤗 I give you an A for enthusiasm, though.
Once we detected gravity waves several years ago the Big Bang passed from theory and abstract philosophy to fact. You cannot put the Genie back in the bottle. Ditto atomic physics, splitting the atom and the A-bomb.
Hey, what a coincidence! I just did the same thing with Beastie Boys. Well, half an hour, anyway.
Before the Big Bang there was nothing. Sorry I can’t be more precise. If the universe were to slow down it’s expansion and begin to contract, which it won’t, time would slow down and reverse direction. Just saying.
The light at the end of the tunnel might be an approaching train. 

“It’s probability and outcome.” - Joe Pendleton in Heaven can Wait
Oh, brother! A rather odd argument, at best. Break us a give!

“Hanson is a supporter of Donald Trump, authoring a 2019 book The Case for Trump.[20] Trump praised the book.[20] In the book, Hanson defends Trump’s insults and vile language as "uncouth authenticity", and praises Trump for "an uncanny ability to troll and create hysteria among his media and political critics."[20] According to Washington Post book critic Carlos Lozada, the book "focuses less on the case for Trump than on the case against everyone else," in particular attacking Hillary Clinton.[20] According to Lozada, Hanson indulges "in casual sexism, criticizing Clinton’s “shrill” voice and her “signature off-putting laugh,” and inexplicably suggesting that while “Trump’s bulk fueled a monstrous energy; Hillary’s girth sapped her strength.”"[20] Hanson praises the Trump administration for its "inspired" and "impressive" Cabinet members.[20] In the book, Hanson blamed Barack Obama for "deliberately [whipping up]" "much of the current division in the country", while ignoring Trump’s birtherism or attacks on Muslims.[20] The book likens Trump to a hero of ancient literature, sacrificing himself for the greater good.[20] Hanson expressed support for Trump’s proposed border wall on the Southern border, saying that walls around houses deter criminals.[20]
Humans aren’t like lobsters, that’s silly. They’re like cattle. 🤗
In a nutshell Peterson is not a Global Warming denier, he sees no solution to the problem, that’s all. Which might actually be true.
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