Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 50 responses by djones51

What's the deal everyone else can shill tweaks on post after post but I can't  shill these same tweaks to save the planet?
The OP took it off the main topic and went down the rabbit hole if he doesn’t like it he can delete the thread.
I doubt the power is any different whether it snows or not and I never noticed any difference in my listening. Perhaps if you like snow and there's a blanket covering all around it makes you feel quiet and warm inside your home and for sure that makes the listening better,  the way you feel. It has nothing to do with power or sound or magic mats or snow.
DDT was banned by the Nixon administration and only in the US with exceptions for health issues. Millions died from malaria because countries abandoned effective uses. It worked, they thought they had it beat, they quit using it. They didn't  so they had to start again. Another reason for the resurgence of malaria is caused by that other conservative boogeyman evolution. It was already loosing its  effectiveness in the 1950's. Mosquitoes became immune to it from over use so now they rotate different chemicals and naturally mosquitoes are becoming immune to those which is why they are working more on vaccines now. 
Which part was hooey? All of it.
Did I explain that.

Source of information Yale Environment 360
The reason that air is now as " pure as snow" is someone began a sentence with ....The government should... so we got the clean air act and you can thank unfettered  capitalism for that 1950's miasma of breathable particulates. America's wide open spaces are filled with opioid addicts now with no jobs or hope yeah what we need is more people. People go where they can find work and it isn't in the Mojave desert or a wheat field in Nebraska. 
Participative democracy is older than socialism or capitalism and yes has rarely  been used the Paris Commune and anarchists during the Spanish revolution are two examples that come to mind. Marx and Engels were influenced by participative democracy  from the Paris Commune in the 19th century  and George Orwell in the 20th from the Spanish civil war. The biggest problem is getting enough people involved a more recent small example was the Occupy movement who used a participative model.
..a collective conscious organized goodwill.... Let's see that would be a quasi socialized look at the needs of the many and yes we lack the compassion to do it, after all the needs of the  .01% must be met. 
Yes the space is there and the right question is should we? Not only is it an environmental question but an economic one, who will live there? Young people today want different amenities than my generation a big house and a nice green lawn and a $25k stereo system isn't what they are looking for so they are flocking to urban areas that meet their desires. In my city there is an urban renaissance and it's the younger generations you find congregating in these areas. 
Like the facts of DDT...or was that argue the woman instead of the facts... The fact is the climate is changing and human activity is contributing to it. That's  the fact from every scientific group studying it. The only difference  between them is how much are humans contributing and how much time before coastal cities are under water and dry areas have turned to desert causing mass migration, wars and strife over limited resources. That's  the facts but hey let's ignore all that after all the smart people know it's  just a Chinese hoax ha..ha...ha those stupid environmental  nuts are being played...right?
What treat? Ice cream? Unifying  Collective Consciousness with a common goal???  Thinking snow flakes?? 
DDT was never banned worldwide  only in the US when did millions die in the US from  this ban? 
Human activity has contributed close to 33% of CO2 since the start of the industrial  revolution.  Source NASA. 
Other contributors,  water vapor, methane,  nitrous oxide all caused by natural and human activity. We can't  control natural we can control human. 

Did you read wikipedia on how carbon credits actually  really work? Oh and the earth isn't  6000 years old and there was no world wide flood. Freaking insanity.
You mean the flooding and firestorms and millions of animals dying from those floods and fires  and species going extinct that's happening now?
I am out of this thread this is truly depressing. When right wing conspiracy  websites and insane white supremacists like Peterson are used to as arguments denying climate change it's  time to just walk away. 
Peterson the idiot who claims women want to be dominated and says we should force monogamy? Seriously? 
For heavens sake builder3, American Thinker ?? Really? The site that reports conspiracy theories and pseudoscience? If you want to understand  how carbon credits help reduce emissions try wikipedia. This is worse than trying to discuss evolution with creationists. 
You're starting to sound like a lobster mahgister, pre school thinking. Adios 
His approach is religion , all cults are religious in nature. I have watched , I have read but I never was much of one for cults. Peterson's claims are nought but sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying  nothing.
Not him but the looney tunes who follow him. The ones who send death threats to those that stand up to his rhetoric of incitement. His cult followers are the ones that are dangerous, like others of his ilk he likes to hide on the sidelines claiming his innocence when the s__t hits the fan not unlike a familiar small handed guy with orange hair. 
When Pertson compares humans to lobsters he's fallen of the deep end and clearly  knows nothing of evolutionary biology. Lobsters are invertebrates humans are vertebrates why not use something closer like a bonobo, if your going to ignore the evolutionary  timeline heck why not use bacteria they show cooperation or male sea horses who are natural caregivers and nurture  their young maybe human males should quit work and raise the kids. This guy uses pseudoscience to make outlandish claims and he is called out on it , you know in the "biased" liberal media. 
Anyone dense enough to not see that Peterson is right there with Beck, O’Reilly, Limpball and the rest of the alt-right dregs of society is really lost. This moron claims we should " enforce monogamy " that women want to be dominated and that all the poor disaffected white man’s problems are because of feminists, immigrants of color and everyone but the poor disaffected white man. He just spouts his  bile with a better vocabulary  and accent but it's  the same manure.  He rakes in his $80k a month from his deplorables so I guess he found his niche.
Mahgister , You’re probably right. I remember my mother used to tell me I was born an old man, to serious, questioning everything. I always assumed  that's why I was always so liberal, not progressive , I never  liked that say what you are.
He wanted to buy a church at one time perhaps he was channeling  Elmer Gantry. 
Yeah, I  know the routine...there's  good people on both sides.....As Popper said
 " In order for a society to maintain tolerance , it must be intolerant of intolerance. " I  admit  I am intolerant of these demagogues who preach intolerance.
Of course there’s a common ancestor but if you’re going to use something to compare human behavior with at least stick with a vertebrate by going back half a billion years to a common ancestor, wait a minute you do know the earth is more than 6000 years old and evolution is real? If you do then I congratulate you you’re one up on most of the deplorables. If not then praise Jebus. 
If you think about it if these mats in the panel box really did what they claim they do, reduce energy consumption that would go a long way to help solve the problem. How about it, you guys that claim it reduced your energy bill and froze your orange juice what say you ? Not to mention the company that makes them would pass Apple in revenue. 
Let's keep this thread on topic, I think what they're trying to say is it's  all a big snow job. 
I don't  know about other universes but this one isn't  cyclical,  it began with a bang and will end with a whimper. 
New report out showing that hydrofluorocarbons haven't leveled or reduced but increased leading scientists to believe China and India haven't been successful in reducing their output.
Astrophysics teaches us the universe  began and it will also end. It began with a magnificent expansion and ends a cold empty void, each star so isolated none can be seen from another until they too go dark, a vast empty space when the universe fulfills it's destined end of entropy.  No need to mourn it's  death or ours it's  just life either individual or universal.  
Getting deep now, since  self awareness humans have feared death  so to help cope with this reality that is witnessed daily man in his infinite wisdom created God or Gods which pushed him or ferried whichever myth you followed to a new life or continued existence  of some sort. Now we have gone beyond the  old Gods that interfered with humans in mischievous ways to the cosmic God or universal consciousness that will permeate all the universe for infinity and upon death or for those more sensitive upon our transformation we join in this universal consciousness. But like all things humans have conjured from his base fear of nothingness from clumsy spirit demons of antiquity to the new age beauty of the universal,  deep down he knows it's  all BS and in the end we're worm food and this universe will die it's eventual heat death. 
Steady state no beginning or end isn’t a working theory anymore it doesn’t coincide with what we observe. Math is just a tool to help us explain, create and predict.
Yep, when the sun begins to burn it's  helium it will grow into a red giant then after a few billion years more it will rip itself  apart condensing into a whit dwarf. I doubt humans will exist long enough to be worried about it.
The universe expanded from a singularity, that’s when this universe and with it the arrow of time. When one speaks of before it doesn’t make sense to us as time didn’t exist so to answer your question science gives one of it’s most honest answers, they don’t really know.
I always preferred  Motzart or Handel for classical music. I love Water Music.
Yeah well people do deny the big bang, evolution and yes climate change , what can you do. I am not surprised someone hasn't started  denying  gravity calling it intelligent falling instead. 
The big bang is still a theory, gravitation waves are one of the facts that support the theory. 
I lived through the 1970 's and I don't  recall  any ice age scare only the few articles Nonoise mentioned. If I remember  correctly  it  was  looked at more as a joke then anything.
Has to do with the uneven  distribution  of mass and the curvature  of space time. It' consists  of gravitons but I don't  think they have ever been observed. Newton's inverse square to distance worked good enough to get to the moon.
I don't  know,  has anyone made the statement  human activity isn't  contributing  to climate change? 
We have been directly  measuring  the sun for the last 40 years and it hasn't  increased in energy plus the upper atmosphere hasn't warmed. 
The sun has the power to change climate but it hasn't been in the last century. As I said we have been directly measuring  the sun with satellites and it hasn't  increased in energy plus if the sun were warming  the climate it would warm the entire atmosphere  and the stratosphere hasn't  been warming. 
Is the universe infinite? I don't  know all we can  do  is  see  to  a certain time through our telescopes, so far there has been something as far as we can see anyway. 
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