Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?

I've been experimenting with different cables between components. Nothing sounds right since trying to improve sound with new mix of cables. There is no bass and boring, highs are okay but life is gone from system. So I flipped everything back the way it was still sound horrible. Ran everything 24/7 for a couple days still no go. Let it run a couple more days dynamics are back and bass is full big and has tone again and enjoyable to listen to. Can someone tell me why this happens. I've also moved just speaker cables around without unhooking them and seen this happen, I don't get it.
" Sure: Among audiophiles, who have also discussed "for decades" the "sonic effects" of a vast amount of pseudo-scientific "effects" (often barely that). "
  It's the PT Barnum effect or as it would be in plain words and not psychobabble. It goes thusly. Namely there is a sucker born every minute and alongside him is the guy who figures out how to part him from his money.
  The only other thing I have personally seen that eclipses this nonsense are those who think crystals and rocks will heal you. Used to know a rock hound who discovered how to sell quartz crystals to these nuts. He would stand there with a crystal on a string and rotate it one way. If the heely feely did not get excited he would reverse direction of rotation a couple of crystals later and they would buy them. We always had a good laugh over the gullibility of people that knew no bounds. I would set up at rock shows and there would be space cadets come by and ask me if I though various stones would be good for their altars. Altars to what I never inquired about with these flat Earthers.

 Tourmaline for speakers comes to mind now that I think about it and I am happy to see someone profit off the gulls.
  The other thought I have, besides the one of some treating this as a serious topic, is how much fun it would be to come up with these topics for amusements sake and let them rip. Surely that can't happen here! The sad part is I can't figure out where the OP stands and that is kind of scary.
I have no position....Only some limited experience that I cannot deny with your argument...

You can say I have too much imagination for sure....

And by the way associating generally ridiculous claims (flat earther) or generally accepted non scientific one (anti vaxers) to some group of people,(audiophiles), and linking the 2 is certainly not neutral discourse...And absolutely not the same that appealing to a common ground neutral logical argument accepted by all...It is more akin to a universal appeal to all, to reject those who are associated with them (flat earthers, anti vax, subjectivist audiophiles, like you called them). There is a difference between the logical content of an argument and his rhetorical content...

And look Prof, someone just came in, send by God or his adversary, ( :) ) answering your unvolontary call (the preceding post)...It is instructive to read his post ( rhetorical all the way down!)....By the way the fact that I discuss with you prove to you that, even if we differ, I respect you and we can discuss; I dont think that I can or wanted to discuss with this poster before mine...

My best to you...
Ack-chew-ally, the quote oft attributed to PT Barnum was not said by him at all but most likely by some dour pseudo skeptic cluck. What PT Barnum in his infinite wisdom did say though is that, generally speaking, people would be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little.

Knowledge is what’s left after you forgot all that rubbish you learned in school.
To answer your question about my actual point Prof, I will say simply, that I cannot dismiss a priori any experience by some, because I lived one myself about cables touching one another ( mouse cable and dac cable in my case) and obstructing the clarity of the sound...

I had no other opinion, only curiosity for these facts, and some explanations; being a non subjectivist, non objectivist kind of audiophile, I will call myself a music lover sensible to sound and prone to working simple experiments to improve it...

Experiments that drives me to some simple discoveries, and low cost homemade solutions, that spare me a big amount of money in unnecessary upgrading urge and gives me something that some called "illusion" of pure musicality, placebo or not....:)

My best to you...

I sent this thread to a Fellow Guru of High Audionic Praise...
and the following reply (of great clarity) was returned:
It’s the disturbance of the aether that takes awhile to settle back. Many people also don’t realize the gravimetric affects of slinging their cables about willy nilly. With regard to graviton displacement and the attendant (who shall remain nameless) subatomic particle spin state changes which can easily be measured with a bowl of dried cereal and two sparrow feathers placed at right angular momentum assuming (and this is key) a 10 dB drop across all barometric frequencies, one can simply subtract the total amount of capacitive reactance of all unconnected cables laying around within 1 meter per watt times pi minus the degrees, minutes and seconds in latitude below the 33rd parallel. Then place a hygrometer no further than 20 cm from the dried cereal, carefully multiplying the percentage in hygrometric changes converted to picofarads per graviton/hour.

This will yield a result in the number of hours required for the aether to return to the previous undisturbed state - Those is in the southern hemisphere need only invert the equation where applicable.

This has been tested and verified 29 times.  So far.