Why no “Break in” period?

If people say there’s a break in period for everything from Amps to cartridges to cables to basically everything... why is it with new power conditioners that people say they immediately notice “the floor drop away” etc.  Why no break in on that?

I’m not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely asking.
also beware of anti-expectation bias, as you may prefer to not like it  so that you don't have to buy it...

I suspect your post was deleted because the forum attempts to maintain a policy of encouraging conversation, rather than exchanges of insults.

So a post that is essentially comprised of insult, even if it doesn’t name the individual it is directed towards, is seen as counterproductive and such posts are discouraged by being deleted.

I dislike "cancel culture" as much as anyone, but I have no problem with a forum attempting to keep some level of decorum to promote productive conversations rather than trolling or insulting ones. When you are discouraged from resorting to ad hominem and insult, it encourages you (or should) to produce actual reasoned content and interact with the points made by other people.

If you have an idea that you can actually support through reason, argument, evidence, best to do that rather than through insult (or without adding insults).

I see millercarbon still can not resist the impulse for insult. That’s a shame.


also beware of anti-expectation bias, as you may prefer to not like it so that you don't have to buy it...

Yes, there are possible confounding factors one all sides too:  "I don't think there will be a sonic difference between A and B, so I won't pay attention enough to notice it."

I repeat: "Bias" is bias, regardless of the viewpoint or subject.     ie: Those that are so adamant, regarding their beloved theories/opinions/biases(regardless of the source), while refusing to acknowledge that ONLY experimentation(the heart of the Scientific Method), provides PROOF, regarding anything discussed.     Most of those are proffering their opinions, without ever having tried what’s being discussed.     What you hold true, in your listening room, is all that matters.     Experiment and trust your ears. Anyone that discredits another’s abilities to hear improvements, in their own systems, in their own listening environments, with their own ears, should be considered condescending, insulting and/or(probably), simply projecting their own ineptitude.    Perhaps, to be pitied.     That’s just logic, which is anathema to the Counter Culture.    Far as, "....big, high falutin’ words"; Higher Education improves one’s vocabulary.     Some here should try it!      Sorry for lack of paragraphs.    Case didn’t offer typing classes, back in the day.
You shouldn't argue with @miller-carbon, he's an expert and if you argue he'll flame you.