Hey K.....tt, Do you even have speakers??

If so, please enlighten us all as to your current system!  My guess is casio clock radio, on isolation platforms in a tuned room of course!

  I was just reflecting on 9 years of this hobby, and every pair of my 50+ speakers has brought me immense satisfaction.  Why are you so sad and disgruntled but more importantly, if you hate hifi, mainly speakers, why do you come here?

cue crickets...
Sounds like @b_limo has a lot of experience with a lot of speakers.

FWIW I run 7 different pair currently in seven different rooms. Perhaps I should consider turning in my audiophile card?

*S* Any speaker that you like/love is Valid..if only to yourself.  Ultimately, that's what counts, right?  To paraphrase, different gears for different ears. (Oh, stop groaning...you come up with better..)

A recent OP claimed 30 different amps with 12 different speakers over 5.5 years...querying that claim, he has somewhat rational explanation for such behaviour.  Fine...takes a lot of souls to fill a highway...*shrug*

Personally, I've 12 pairs, 3 subs...2/3rds of which are in line currently. This doesn't include 2 pairs 'under construction', and a motley group of this 'n that which face some sort of cruel and ghastly fate at my hands....

And that doesn't include the materials I have, on hand, to create (OMG!) 2 pairs of DML's....just because I feel the need to do so....

"WTF, Why?!"  You may ask...

I could threaten to hook them all up, @ once, play them at ungodly levels, and attempt to create a sonic singularity....or some other muddy secret for y'all to behold...."A tale, told by an idiot..."  Or, looking outside..."It's the Dark side of the moon...."

No, it's just me, wasting your eyes and semi-conscious reading this nonsense..*L*

Carry on, kenjit...Someone's got to be the devil's advocate. *G* ;)
Am I missing something here. Kenjit is being  ridiculed  because he has owned more speakers than most. I have had at least 30 pairs in the last 2 1/2 years. In fact 17 at one time.  Many of the identical model. I really enjoyed listening to each pair. Some more than others I suppose. They were all considered vintage. And many were highly coveted as well. I refinished them, recapped them and generally did some quite nice restoration work on them that I am proud of. If would say I have learned a lot about vintage sound over  the last couple of years. 
Quite often I had 6 pairs set up in my listening room. An example was Ditton 44, AR9's, IMF TLS 50's infinity Kappa 8, JBL 100's,  Agora B's all in beautiful condition. Now that was fun. 
I Then sold most of them them at a reasonable price for someone else to enjoy. Gradually the profits paid for my hobby and  I ended up with what I think is a very nice system. 
I don't buy now like I use to because I am as high up the audio chain as I care to go at the moment. 

Variety is the spice of life. Keep buying those speakers and whatever else you want to. 

For quite a while I thought the thread was about me. What with the Casio clock radio and isolation in a tuned room comment in the OP, and of course I do not have speakers. My Clever Lil Clocks sitting around are Casios. K___tt in the OP misspelled both Kenjit and Kait.