300B SET or EL34 SET


I've read that 300B tubes has a wonderful midrange, but what about bass and hights? Is the EL34 tube better in these areas?
Will a 300B SET be better than a EL34 SET for low volume listening?
I tought my Tannoy Legacy Eaton at 89dB sensivity would be too hard for the 300B amp to drive
@simna  And you were correct. In reality a Push-Pull EL-34 based amp will be barely enough power in most rooms if this efficiency is correct!
SETs are simply out of the question unless your room is the size of a large closet. Something to keep in mind about most SETs: unless they employ feedback (and most don't) the distortion starts to take off once you reach about 20-25% of full power, so if you really want to hear what the amp has to offer (unmeasurable low distortion at low power levels, good for 'inner detail') then you need a loudspeaker with enough efficiency to allow that to happen. A 300b-based SET will thus need a loudspeaker of about 103dB or so in an average sized room.

European rooms on average tend to be smaller than American listening rooms, so you might get away with an SET if your room is really small enough.
My listening room is rather small, 4.48x3.96 meters and the hight is 2.62 meters wihch is aprox. 14.7x13 feet and 8.6 feet high. 
I'm sitting aprox. 2.5 meters (8 feet) from the speakers which is placed  40-50 cm (1.3-1.6 inches), toed in, from the wall.

I can't test the amps with my speakers because there's no dealer selling either the more expensive Tannoys or the Audion amps in Sweden. The two Audion amps the dealer had were trade-in. The Silver Night should the dealer keep for himself and the EL34 was already promised to another customer. And this more than a month ago, so they will not even be in the shop by now.
So if I wanna buy Audion I have to buy it from abroad. From Denmark or directly from Audion in France. Return policy? Don't think so.
The Chinese looked at what westerners were willing to pay for vacuum tubes, therefore, they put lipstick on a pig, used names of historic brands like Western Electric and call them replicas, put them in fancy presentation boxes and coated the internal and change the shape of the glass....and charged a premium price. Clearing targeting the North American market.  The tubes sound okay for new production, but can be bettered in most cases by NOS / OS tubes.
Look at a 300B + 845 or 805 tubes amp. 

You can have the 300B sweet midrange and glorious 3D image with great bass and dynamics (if you dont match it with extremely difficult to drive speakers). 

I have a Line Magnetic LM-508IA integrated with 300B and 48W per channel and it blew away a VERY nice class D amp I still have (in a box), even in fields where the class D amp should be better like dinamics and detail. Not to mention the much sweeter middle frequencies.

My speakers are 90 Db sensitive and 6 ohm of impedance, with minimum of 4 ohm and the LM508 drives them with incredible authority. 

I've had a cheaper EL34 push pull integrated, but the LM508 is completely  on another league. Its not cheap, but an incredible amp. 
Something else to mention. 

At low volume levels I believe it could be more important that your speakers are good at that volume. Not all are, some need medium volume levels to start sounding alive.

My very best listening setions are at night, with low volume levels (everyone is sleeping). The AC current is so clean that I cant believe the sound of my system. Incredibly engaging.