Does the 'Buck' Start with the DAC?

Some members have expressed that the server / streaming front end is less important than the DAC.

I subscribe to the position that "Everything Matters"

As I consider front end choices, I'm trying to gauge if I should be leaning more heavily on a DAC versus a SOURCE (server / streamer).

Feedback and perspective from both camps, or any others, will be helpful. Thank you.

Please Note:  I'm not looking for validation of the position that "only the bits" matter... I accept that some believe this wholeheartedly... and that's okay by me. 
@emtrey: I used to own Ayre QX-5 Twenty. Excellent DAC.

I agree with you. It’s USB input using a decent streamer was audibly better than its built in network bridge
I guess in the lower price point, say <$2500 I would spend more on the dac. After that I would try different things. If I ever get to that.

This one looks like a good start for a streamer.
It all matters but the best dac IMO will give you the best overall sound.

Happy Listening.
There’s a ton of hyped and praised mediocre stuff on the market at every price point and despite what many of the audio reviewers been telling us for decades you will not always get what you pay for.
 I’m in the camp it all matters , you just have to listen for yourself .
Further more I believe it all really starts with a great recording , after all that’s why high end play back exists isn’t it ?