What speaker for being close to rear wall?

I'm looking for a speaker that would excel, not just tolerate, being near the rear wall. It needs to be within 12 inches. Don't worry about cost. Also I recently tried Audio Notes so you can leave those off the suggestion list.I don't have symmetrical defined corners. :(


Obviously, Klipschorns. You'd have to make fake corners though to really optimize them.

I think AudioKinesis has a model that does well close to walls. Duke makes some great stuff. I have not heard his new speakers, but they got some great buzz at RMAF
Van Schweikert V-33 and Allison One (if you can find a pair on the used market). Both were designed for rear wall placement. My Zu Definition 2s are 12" from the rear wall; this is where they sounded best.
I think the Naim speakers were designed for wall placement. There are more for this placement than you might think, I suggest a google search as my memory isn't what it was.
Summitav- No not for surround. However they are in my living room and therefore do not have the luxury of being in the middle of the floor. I know this is less than ideal but it is what I have to work with.

Thanks everyone for your comments so far. If anyone can provide information about what makes a speaker work best there, perhaps that info is also useful.
