The science of opinion ...

Some may find this interesting (it is).

Some may find this threatening (it isn't, it is science).

Some may read it and use it to help them understand the dynamics of internet forums.
First, what is the goal of the test? Is it to prove that A is better than B? ... nope, that would require a properly administered test (which by the way is not hard, just requires methodology)
No, our goal is to validate or disprove the claims ...
So, you see, proving or disproving these claims does not require a highly detailed scientific study
You can set any goal for your test that you like. If you want it to be scientifically valid, you'll have to follow established protocols for that.  It's often not as easy as it looks!
... proving something true to a level of reasonable doubt (we are talking a subjective subject) does require a somewhat robust experiment. However, we are not trying to prove something is true, we are trying to prove something is false ...
Again, you can set any goal for your test that you like, even going so far as to refer to yourself as "we." But please don't come here and demand that others conduct a test for you. "We" have no such obligation. This is a hobbyist's group.
atdavid ...

The Gate truly made a night and day difference. And yes, the Sound Application power conditioner made a significant difference too, especially after I took it apart and treated the interior, including the underside of the lid with PPT's Total Contact.

The loom of cables I'm presently using are the Bee's Knees too.

With all of that said, The Gate allows all of the gear that comes after the wall socket to really show their mettle. The Gate purifies the AC coming into the system.

It is rather astounding how much grunge comes through those lines. When the grunge is gone, then one can really hear what the rest of the gear is really capable of.

 In a much earlier post, I made the comment that after installing The Gate that I knew the ARC REF-75se was a good amp ... but THAT good? I also made a comment about the brilliance of the design of the ARC electronics. I really didn't fully appreciate that before installing The Gate.

So, you've missed the point entirely. The tweaks made before The Gate was installed made significant improvements on their own, and I reported on that. After The Gate was installed, it was like putting all of the previous tweaks, cables, electronics on steroids. 


"I’d rather poke an icepick in my ear than to read some of that scientific psychobabble."
Huh, that is quite a feeling. Thankfully, scientific psychobabble makes it possible to repair some of the damage from trauma sustained by poking things in one’s ear. Not all of it, for that more scientific articles and psychobabble are needed, but some.

Not really a true literature search, but google, sheds some light on it...

With some glimpse of techniques.

A bit more important psychobabble than cold or hot cables, fuses, or other topics frequently discussed here.
Sorry, Ethan dude, but I’m not into the whole Pro audio bag. I like to think outside the bag. Pro audio and AES are way too stodgy for me. But as Bob Dylan says at the end of his records, good luck to you! 🤗

Come on, Ethan! Do I look like the kind of clown who could start a whole movement? I attack you guys because you’re awful. Everybody is awful these days. It’s enough to make anyone crazy. 😛 But it IS fun, I no longer pretend it’s not.  Is that my defense for attacking pseudo-skeptics? No, they couldn’t carry a tune to save their lives. 🤡

Has "The Amazing Randy" resurfaced? I get so excited when someone says: "Trust me", it's so presidential, it must be true.