Synergistic Research Orange Fuses

Does anyone have the new SR Orange fuse? I'm considering it but currently have their Blue and wondering about the advantages of moving up.
Good news, I'll spring for the Orange hopefully next payday. I'll replace the Blue which is currently in my Ayre DAC. I'm wondering though if I would hear a difference by adding an Orange to my ASR phono amp or my HH Scott 350 A tuner? Thanks so far to all that's added their input.
goofyfoot ...

  • Any thoughts of the possibility of an SR Orange AC outlet?
The grapevine says ... "maybe." 

Orange outlets just will NOT match my room decor at all, sorry but no,no,no!

Save your money goofy. If it sounds better you probably had/have "fuse rot" as @wolf_garcia calls it.

 The only way a fuse can sound better, if it replaces old crusty one that seen too many switch on surges over time, doesn’t have to be $200 fuse, should be $2 same one but new, and the same result will happen, and switch-on surge ageing will be the same for both $200 fuse or the $2 fuse

A slow-blo fuse ageing over time right to left

A fast-blo fuse ageing over time left to right

Your better off spending $2 on a "new original fuse", and save hundreds.

Cheers George