I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage

I have heard it half a dozen times at home, small room, Primaluna HP Integrated or a Rogue Atlas Magnum II and RP-1 Pre and believe it or not a pair of close to 30 year old Paradigm Export Monitors.

The experience I had, I can only describe as sitting in an aquarium when the litlle rectangular glass aquarium was filled with liquid engulfing you from all directions with no awareness of the speaker boxes...it was just perfect!

The room is approximately 12 x 13 x 9, small bedroom converted to a den!

So the question is what speakers does everyone recommend to provide the same experience?? I have a budget of $2000 for the next little babies so let’s not talk about Focal uber expensive stand mounts at $9500 thank you!

Monitor not floor standers and the Primaluna is gone, it’s all Rogue And yes, I would consider a pair of floor standers that are not to intrusive.
Gallo Acoustics Strada-2 with Gallo powered sub.
That will make your room sound wide and deep with some serious 3D imaging.
You can get excellent 3D sound without major room treatments. A thick throw rug (even over existing carpeting) and a dense fabric covered couch and you should be good. If you want that holographic sound you need to not be afraid of some wall and ceiling bounces. You may need to pick less bright gear because of this but you don’t need to go crazy with sound absorption panels all over the place.
And surround sound setups are nowhere near as good as reproducing well the 3D imaging information already available in good stereo recordings. Sooooo much more satisfying! Honestly once you get that ‘surround’ from stereo you’ll never look back. Dark Side of the Moon and lots of Hendrix work, side two of Physical Graffiti and some of Nine Inch Nails work just sounds amazing in stereo. When you system is set up right for your room and tonally for your ears, you will hear things 12 feet away from the speakers, sometimes behind you and the really freaky one is when you hear sounds that feel like they are right inside your head.
If speakers disappearing is your desire, my experience is that Audio Physic can’t be beat. I’m using Scorpios in a similarly small room with vacuum tube electronics. Huge spacious soundstage - disappearing walls. My room has lots of variable bookshelf, record racks, desk and such to break up any constant reflections - so that contributes to the effect.
Have also used A P Virgo with similar result.  Should be available on A-gon for your price range.