Would like to know more analog crossovers similar to Fostex EN3000 and EN3020

I would like to know more analog crossovers similar to this models from Fostex, EN3000 and EN3020, EN3000 appears regularly to sell in Japan, the more sophisticated one EN3020 it's much more hard to find...

Anyway, would like to know more units with similar characteristics like this ones, very straight forward 3 way, easy to use.

For those who not know this Fostex, here they are:

EN3000: https://www.hifido.co.jp/sold/14-84210-27250-00.html
EN3020: https://www.hifido.co.jp/sold/11-62786-28291-00.html?LNG=E


No DSP's recommendations please.
bache262 posts09-09-2019 3:10pmvery nice machine , where we can buy ??

Are you sure you need one?
They appears from time to time for sell on hifido and yahoo auctions japan... the EN3020 appears to be amazing, even the scale down version maybe it's very nice.
recently i discovered a sony that i had no idea of the existence, it's not the one from esprit series, this one: Sony mu-c031


i think this one must be more difficult to appears...