Proac D30R vs Devore O93

Am looking to finish off my speaker search.  The finalist are the Proac D30R, Devore O93 and possibly the super 9s.  Will be running a leben tube amplifier.
Has anyone compared these speakers?

Let me throw my hat into the arena. I currently have the D-30R andauditioned the D-20R and D-48R. The D-20R is a different animal thanthe D-30R/RS. Its leans slightly to the darker, richer side of the musicalspectrum. It excels with vocals and the imaging is some of the best I've heard in a demo. The D-30R/RS is more of a mini D-48R. More extensionand control in the bass, more transparent mid-range and better dynamics. Given how similar they look its surprising how different they sound.

My experiences with the ribbon tweeter have all been for the positive. Heck, I'll go on and say it was one of the features that sold me on it. I've found them to be smooth,extended and refined. Of all the speakers I auditioned the Proac's top end was the best I've heard. 

Good luck on your quest.

Yes I agree The D-30R/RS is more of a mini D-48R ,The D48 suitable for medium/large space and the D30S for medium/small one but basically they are the same speakers.
OP,I have heard both the speakers you mention.I heard a Devore O/9? in February 2014 at Audio Concepts, Dallas. They sounded good. Not sure if it was 93 or 96.But it was the ProAc D30RS that ticked all the boxes I was looking for. They went deep and tight in a medium room. I was so much impressed that I decided to get the D48R for my room. ProAcs are pretty musical and my dealer wants me to upgrade to a tube amplification for them to sound the best. Of course I disagree, because I love what I am hearing.Since you already have tubes, you owe it to yourself to listen to the ProAcs with them, at least once. Good luck!