OTL amps, my pick for the tube used.

This is my OTL tube pick for an OTL the 6C33C tube.
I don't believe much can compete with it for current, and that the big achilles heel of OTL's  



Just had to show this, in it's glowing glory.

Cheers George
I have no interest in any amp that can not do at least 200 watts.

And hey! I also have no interest in any amp that can’t drive speaker loads that can vary from 2-32 ohms without becoming a tone control.
I just started this post with those pics as they are more a work of art to me rather than listened to, been down that OTL path and with SE transmission tube as well, I will never go back there again.

Cheers George
Before George points it out, the datasheet shown at the second link in his last post does in fact say "output current: 100 amps (continuous)," for the ME 1400/ME 1500 amplifiers referred to in that post (as opposed to the OTL amp referred to in his OP).
@almarg If you look at their website, they claim 100 watts into 8 ohms and 150 into 4. So I am assuming that '100 amps' is a typo, not uncommon on the web... but just for fun, since Power = R x I squared, and giving the amp the benefit of the doubt by assuming a 1 ohm load, 100 amps would work out to an amplifier that makes 10,000 watts into 1 ohms, and 40,000 watts into 4... Obviously the amp can't do that, so I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one, IOW a typo is the simpler explanation :)
However, as best as I can tell from some somewhat blurry rear panel photos I found on the net there is a 5 amp fuse located immediately adjacent to the ME amp’s pendant power cord.
Here is the ME1500 spec sheet for you Al (bmp) a bit clearer maybe.

Cheers George

^^ Clearly the 100 amp thing has nothing to do with its output power. That is likely the 10mS power supply short circuit current.