Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2

These speakers are roughly in the same ballpark of price and going for a detailed sound. Anyone compare them ?
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I have Persona 9H with a SET Amp (50W class A) and the sound is not "bright or brittle" and the bass is the best I ever had in my room...contolled and nice integrated, thanks to DSP.
I only listened Magico speakers in shows, but only with SS amps...sometimes nice, but no my cup of tea.
Mheinze you have absolutely no idea how dsp works.

First the eq only affects the bass freqencies.

Secondly at wavelengths as long as bass frequencies a tiny delay in those frequencies can actually help create a waveform which the bass is actually in time with other drivers at the listening position.

Third by removing peaks and dips in the lower frequencies the entire speaker sounds better.

A brittle bright configuration means something was not matched correctly.

Where did you hear a set of 9H and what were they driving the speakers with?

I’m sure he hasn’t even been in the same room as a pair, or maybe popped into a room at a show and didn’t even sit in front of them.  
Just look at the measurements of their tweeter/midrange arrangements (I know it’s the 5F, but the top configuration is the same).
These speakers are 5db up, and climbing, above 6KHz. Someone on another forum said that If you suffer high frq. hearing loss, that may not be a problem for you. But if you can still hear, and a Persona configuration didn’t sound bright and brittle to you it basically “means that something was not matched correctly” 😉