Turntable isolation for bedroom floor

Hi all

I was going to have my system set up in a room with a solid concrete floor but circumstances have forced me to use a bedroom (only for the purposes of a listening room!)

I'm currently using a Roksan Xerxes 20plus on a solid oak plinth under which are 4 magnetic isolation feet. The racks are Atacama Evoque Special Edition.

The set-up certainly helps with drastically reducing vibrations from my speakers (which are on Audio Physic VCF V feet), but it isn't good at reducing foot fall......any suggestions to reduce this...?



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If you have the bread, an isolation table from Minus-K, Herzan, Newport, etc. They isolate down to as low as 0.5 Hz. For a lot less $, a set of Townshend Audio Seismic Pods or Geoff Kait's springs will isolate down to 3 Hz.
Elizabeth, that will just lower the frequency the floor bounces at. It will still bounce. You would have to change the resonance frequency of the tonearm/cartridge which still won't work.

Infection, just go to home depot and get the heaviest wall brackets you can find. Then get a piece of 2" butcher block oak or maple cut to 18".
Find two studs which will be 16" apart, mount the brackets, anchor the butcher block to the brackets and you are in business for maybe $50.00 if that. The only other solution would be to get a table like the SOTA, SME or Basis. Now we are talking serious money.
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@goheelz it’s the first floor of my house.
Wall may be possible...to be honest I forgot about that!!

@elizabeth thanks, interesting approach, I’ll try it...

@bdp24 that would be very nice but at the moment I don’t have the funds...I spent the budget on a speaker upgrade!

@mijostyn yeah I’ll be looking into wall mounting as well...