What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?

I'm looking at the Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Digital BNC. As well as the Wave High Fidelity Cable and the High Fidelity Reveal BNC and the Black Cat Tron Ditial Cables, respectively.  What do you consider the best Digital BNC cable under $4K?
So far "pro-audio", "confirmation bias" and the Mona Lisa have been mentioned in this thread. I ask you fellow ’goners, has "expectation bias" slipped through the cracks? Someone needs to cite "expectation bias" soon or it will feel left out.

@mzkmxcv - please stop with the "that's not proof though". The only proof needed is for you to hear a difference that is worth paying for. See @geoffkait comment above.

Agreed, please, please stop with all this off-track discussion and get back to the OPs question. I did address this with my last post and hope it was in some way helpful to the OP. Let's be helpful to the OP, not hi-jack therir 
Arggh. Hate when that happens. Meant to say "Let's be helpful to the OP, not hi-jack their thread."

Sighted listening tests are useless data unless combined with double-blind, quick-switching, and level-matched, as a way to demonstrate bias.


An answer to OP was pretty much given by others (who believe in differences), in that it is so heavily a system/personal dependent, that one cannot say which is best, only giving their testimonials on what they have heard, or simply listing everything that is available and telling OP to audition.

There is no actual answer to which digital BNC cable is the “best” for <$4000. 
My recommendation would be the BJC Belden 1694A BNC cables.
mzkmxcv765 posts06-04-2019 9:36pm@geoffkait 

Sighted listening tests are useless data unless combined with double-blind, quick-switching, and level-matched, as a way to demonstrate bias. 

>>>>If you can’t tell the difference between a change in the sound and some sort of psychological hobgoblin then I probably can’t help you.