Who can dance?

Not exactly a tech topic but dancing is an important aspect of music for a lot of people......including my wife.

Sadly, in our 30+ years of marriage I have never been what you’d call a dancer. Danced some in college for obvious reasons and with the necessary inhibition suppressor.

My wife likes to shag. And for those of you from across the pond it is not what you think......the shag is a type of dance that originated on the U.S. east coast and is associated with beach music bands. It is in the standard dance inventory across most of the south.

Well, as a joke one day I told my wife I’d learn the shag if she gave me the nod to get a drum kit. Well, I got a drum kit and I’m learning.......slowly........to dance to beach music. The shag also works for most R&B and even swing music.

Any of the rest of you music lovers know how to or enjoy dancing?

I’m the living model of two left feet. And last weekend we were dancing and I was pathetic and started laughing because all I could think about was Dr. Frankenstein’s monster in Young Frankenstein........Puttin’ on the Ritz!
@nonoise I am jealous. I have never had a stripper friend.

At the same Struts show there is a point in the show where everybody squats or sits down (yuck) in the floor and jump up when the chorus of the song starts back up. Actually a lot of fun. Anyway the guy next to us was....heavy...when he tried to jump up he started going to the side. My wife and another guy grabbed him and kept him from going down head first.
Now that's dancing. When young, I wished I could dance like Fred Astaire and as an early teen, took tap dancing lessons, but didn't have the flow and grace (more like a Clydesdale 🐎).

I should have stuck with it as it's a wonderful form of exercise. Astaire called his legs his second heart (kept all the blood from settling).

All the best,
^^^ Talking about Fred Astaire, do any of your guys have recordings of his vocals? He was quite the singer as well as a dancer ... not to mention a total fashion plate.

Check these out:



Check out this dance scene featuring Fred Astaire and Elenore Powell:


And, he was quite the drummer too. 


Pure genius ...
