Take up drums at age 56?

I know this technically has nothing to do with high end audio but I know there are some drummers here that might be able to help me along here....or tell me to skip it altogether. And it does have to do with music.

I'm almost embarrassed to even post this. I'm 56. I have never played a musical instrument other than dabbling with a harmonica. I do not read music. I am certain that I'll never perform for anyone or play in a band.

But I've always wanted to play drums.

And now I have enough money to get a simple cheap used drum kit and I have a basement that is isolated enough to not bother the neighbors. (I actually have an acquaintance who refurbishes used drums who can probably hook me up).

So I have a couple of questions:

1) Can you teach yourself to play drums? Alone or with YouTube etc? Are actual lessons required? Can I skip the practice pad and start with a kit?

2) Is there any point? In other words, even if I were to learn to play are the drums the kind of instrument that you sit down and play for your own pleasure the way you would a guitar?

My realistic expectation is that I'd get a simple kit. Try to do something with it. Find that it is much harder to do than it looks, especially for a guy with two left feet. It sits in the basement for a while and then I sell it for a big loss but hopefully at least happy that I tried it.

Any other thoughts on the matter?

(If totally inappropriate for this site I have no problem removing the post.....especially if someone points me to a better site for the topic.)

I certainly admire your courage to reach out for opinions. I have considered this more than a few times myself but decided to just listen instead. You could always rent a kit for a while to see how it goes. Best of luck!
n80 ...

Your question has everything to do with this site. Why? Because you’re a lover of music.

Back in the day, the great writer H.L.Mencken wrote an essay on the topic of how you can tell that a person is a true music lover.

Mencken said that when observing people at opening night at the opera, you would see all of the sophisticated women in their flowing evening gowns and their gentlemen escorts in their tails and top hats. They were not true music lovers, being there not for the opera, but only to be seen out in society and to rub elbows with other self-important elites.

According to Mencken, true music lovers always reveal themselves because they always try to make their own music. They may be atrocious at it, but they try anyway.

I’ve been playing the harmonica and chromonic harmonica since I was nine years old and still play atrociously. :-)

Buy the drums ...

yours is my story almost exactly!  I was the same age when I did it.  And I went overboard with buying additional cymbals, drums, accessories, etc.  I contacted the band instructors at a few local high schools and got the names of a few good drummers.  I ended up hiring a guy who aspired to becoming a professional drummer and he was at a point where he was so good that there were few teachers locally who could teach him anything new.  He was old enough to drive and so taught me at my home on my kit.  He taught me to read music and most importantly to start slowly.  I'm 64 now but relocated twice in the last 9 years.  I recently sold my acoustic kit because I am currently in an apartment.  I still drum along to music all played through my headphone.  I don't regret a day of it but you may find that it's a lot harder than you think.  And you must practice, practice, practice!  Good luck!

Failed to mention that I have an electronic kit now.  Not as visually impressive but still sounds great and is lots of fun.
I encourage you to give it a rip. Making your own music can be joyful--and a bit maddening. I play the guitar and have for 40 years now. I'm probably above average. I've paid all my meaningful bills doing something else I'm much better at than guitar. Never had a lesson. My son has played the drums for the past 10 years. He is 18 years old now...and an objectively decent kit drummer. He has had serious drum lessons for most of that time. He is much better on the drum kit now than I was on the guitar at his age. The point is invest in the lessons. IMO it is your best shot at staying on the journey and actually improving (which is funner than not improving) because someone can help you correct your "non-musical" tendencies--and we all have them.
Go get 'em.