Looking for a little help for speakers I may purchase

I recently went to audio dealer near me and by accident decide to listen to a used pair of egglestonworks andra.  I must say I was completely blown away by the sound. I decided I will listen one more time this weekend.  And for the price being very affordable I will put them in my bedroom.  They were hooked up to prima tube. But I dont want to put tube in my room. And want to keep amp and pre under 2 or 3k. Any suggestions? Used is fine. Ty
I have EgglestonWorks Fontaines, the Andra's little brother (same top three drivers, but no 12" bass drivers). Prior to going to all tubes I did have one of Frank Van Alstine's amps which sounded very good on them and had plenty of power. Check out his products - well built, sound good, excellent customer service. If I ever switch back to ss I'll seriously consider buying one of his amps again.
Thanks Dan, I will check them out.  Do u prefer the tubes on them? The tube the dealer had on them were 6k or he had mono block tubes for 7k. Just dont want to spend that kind of money in the bedroom.  I am 95 percent sure I will buy them, wife wants to hear them first almost like here first system for herself,  so she is excited.  My setup in living room. 
YW pcc67. Yes, I prefer tubes on them, or most any speaker for that matter. I am running a pair of Audio Mirror 45 Watt SET monoblocs - plenty of power for the Fontaines. Don't know if they'd be enough for the Andras though. I recall reading in the past that some Andra owners liked McIntosh tubes (MC 275 monoblocs) with them, but those are way over your budget.
I wonder if that is enough power.

Even used it's over my budget. 

I will find something.  Dont everyone freak, but I am thinking of ordering and demoing a nord mkll nc500 class d for my living room on my winds and putting my bat vk 200 on the egglestonworks.  Maybe eventually find some affordable tube for the egglestonworks.  Always wanted to have tubes, nice glow. Lol
@pcc67. I assure you it was never my intention to be rude. I was merely suggesting you avail yourself of your dealer’s experience. Also, whenever you go public with something you open yourself up to potential criticism. I hope you find a good amp. Really.