Any Tekton users in UK???

I keep reading rave reviews about these speakers.

Tekton don’t have a distributor in UK or Europe.

Just wondered if anyone in UK has managed to get hold of a pair?

.......and are they as good as they say?
Tectonic sells direct with a return policy. There is no distributor anywhere.
Ah OK thanks!

Can't imagine their return policy covers UK.

I’d really like to hear them.
Good luck with your Tekton speakers purchase. I just hope you don’t end up singing the blues. LOL
@singingtheblues  --  There are a great many folks who have had great experiences with Tekton, quite of few who love the speakers but had some irritation waiting for weeks or months for their grills, a few who tried them and found they weren't their cup of tea, and (weirdly) a handful of trolls who, like tonykay here, pop up from time to time to offer nothing but a cupful of snark. I hope you get a chance to hear or try a pair. I've had three pairs (the Double Impacts, Double Impacts SEs, and now the Encores), and in my opinion, they are amazing speakers if given a fair amount of time to break in. Best Wishes...