Another Speaker Recommendation Request

Greetings Goners,
Just retired and have my new dedicated listening room. Bonus room above garage; 15' wide, 24' deep, 8' ceiling, drywall and carpeted. No WAF to consider. I am all digital with PS Audio kit: BHK stereo 250 amp, BHK pre-amp, Direct Stream DAC and Direct Stream Media Player. Also have Cambridge Audio CXN for streaming and NAS.
Current speakers are Wharfedale Jade 3 stand mounts with HSU subwoofer. Worked well in the previous home, but looking to upgrade. I don't need concert hall performance. I will crank it up on occasion, but mostly solo mid and low level listening. Would like full range floor standers and possibly loss the subwoofer.
Most important attributes for me would be non-fatiguing and imaging. Looking in the $10k range and prefer new vs used. Have considered Spendor D7, PSB Imagine T3 and Focal Electra 1028BE. And shops to demo in Tampa St. Pete area would be appreciated. Thanks!
OP, We listen to a lot of the same music. I've been a quest for about 3 years starting with ancient recommended components gradually working my way up, staying in the used market so I can recover most of my investment when the speakers don't work out. In hindsight I would have bought my amp first, for me a hegel h360 made the speakers I had at the time sound natural and musical and tbh if I had that unit when I started this quest I would probably still be happy with the Revel f52's. Your room is also going to tell you a lot. My basement has the best bass reinforcement from rear ported speakers and many new speakers are ported at the bottom or front for ht duties. Start by asking your dealer to let you bring used or demo speakers home that will help you get an idea how your room imposes its will and will help you narrow your choices. Good Luck
I purchased a used pair of Focal Sopra 2's well under your budget. If your willing to settle for used, these are great speakers IMHO.

One more vote here from and old guy who loves Maggies.  Do yourself a favor and listen to a pair before you commit major $$$, think of it as due dilligence, and amile after the experience.
Spendor A7s.
Went to the FL audio show and listened to may speakers. Three caught my attention: MBL 101E, Vienna Acoustics Liszt , Spendor A7. Size and price eliminated first two, and the Spendors really sang to me.
Just last week had home audition of the Spendor D9 and A7. Both were the show demos and priced right. In my room with my music I preferred the A7s. Ordered a walnut pair that will arrive early next week. I will post once they settle in. Maybe I just prefer that British sound. Thanks for checking.