Jay's Audio transport

Hi again. Yesterday I started a thread regarding replacing my CEC TL2 transport. I received many helpful suggestions so far and thanks. However my question is directly related to the Jay's Audio product. Are they new to the market? If not how long have they been around? Not much info out there on them other than  one 6 moons review ,and here on Agon.
I spoke with Mike from Mike Powell audio yesterday when I discovered the Jay's Audio transport. He was helpful and raved about the product. Unlike the US rep for CEC he was like trying to extract a answer from a.potato.
I guess were I'm going with this thread is does anyone here have any more info regarding Jay's Audio? I guess I don't want to purchase a fly by night Chinese electronics builder that won't be around for support several years down the road.
Thanks Mark
Your concerns are understandable but not easily resolved. I think 6moons overview of the owner and company make it pretty clear where they stand as far as longevity. Mr. Ho has been building his current business for ten years. However, the Chinese business community isn't open to the same degree of scrutiny that companies the US and Europe are. You're taking a leap of faith to some degree. The much lower price point of Chinese manufacturing comes with benefits and risks to the consumer. If the consumer wants greater certainty of longevity in a company, that comes at a higher price. 
I have one coming, ordered last night. Really looking forward to it. I went with the CDT2 since the transport and laser are still in production compared with the CDT3, and it looks as though maintenance in that area was designed to be very simple indeed, when necessary.

My reasoning for choosing them, beyond the glowing reviews, is that if no one takes a shot on new or up and coming products, how will they survive in the market? If it is half as good as everyone is saying it is, it will sell very well. There are some other brands Mike is carrying which I have interest in as well, namely Kinki Studios.