Luxman DA -06 Dac

Thinking of purchasing a Luxman DA-06 Dac. Going to hook a PS Audio Memory player to it and then analogue xlr to a Cary preamp. My question: anyone have knowledge of this Dac?
I owned the DA-06 for a few years and loved it!  Detailed presentation, but very smooth, never fatiguing and always musical.  Operated flawlessly.

However, I recommend against buying/using the PS Audio Memory Player as I found it to be highly over-rated and the SQ was poor.   I wanted to like their transport, but was very disappointed. 

You would be better off pairing the Luxman DA-06 with a reputable music server.   The Bluesound Vault 2 is a good value and provides a lot of flexibility.

I only sold my DA-06 DAC because of a unique opportunity to acquire a new old stock Audio Aero Reference CDP + DAC at a good price.  If/when I buy another DAC down the road, the DA-06 will be on my short list.  I feel like it flies under the radar compared to many of the flavor of the month DAC's that come and go.
Hi Pennsy,
Do you currently own the PS Audio Memory Player(MP) or do you plan to buy It? If you do not own one can you arrange an audition? I ask because my experience with it is quite different from pdreher’s. It has been wonderful sounding and a joy to have in my audio system the past 8 years. It would be obviously beneficial if you can hear it and determine for yourself.
I owned both units at the same time. Superb combo! Musical to the nth degree. The PS Audio unit can be had for as little as $1000 used. Great transport based on my experience. Not sure why phreher’s experience is so different from Charles and mine? I do know it happens all the time with great gear.  

Agree with Bill (grannyring) regarding opinion variance of audio components. No matter how excellent a component can sound to one listener invariably it will disappoint another. This is just a reality of the  High End audio experience . Pure subjectivity on display.