Military grade

Military grade speaker cables ?
What is this ?
Tinned copper strands. Whoopty doo. Some specs have silver-plated copper - the older version of such was notorious for corrosion.

I love how manufacturers resort to using these terms to sell gear. "Military" or "aerospace-grade" doesn’t mean jack regarding performance. Nor does "meets mil-spec requirements." True aircraft/military grade materials are simply more regulated in their manufacture and distribution. A lot of mil-spec products/equipment are absolute garbage in terms of performance.

Exactly. That is why these cables are so special compared to the ordinary cables stressed by F14’s. ;-)

Military grade is a fashion statement by the marketing departments nothing more. ford and their military grade aluminum, wires now military grade all marketing hype. Mil spec is usually attached by military buyers for reasons specific to the needs of the requirements like hardening, shock resistance durability never have I seen it attached to quality other then for specific issues like impurities for corrosion prevention etc.  I've been a Navy submariner for 21 years and every time I see an add for military grade I think how many people are getting burned from the marketing hype.

Military grade in no way means better. as helomech stated