Conrad Johnson amp and Pass Labs Pre

Anyone who has experience with Pass and CJ equipment as amp or pre mixes. Tell your experiences here. 
Pass Labs is reputed to work best via balanced. Conrad-Johnson is single ended only.
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I'm currently running a CJ CT-5 with a Pass Labs XA30.8. Overall itspretty nice combo. You have a lot of options out there but the CJ/Pass combo is known to be  a good fit according to the folks at CJ.

I read Nelson Pass on a DYI site say that CJ and Pass work well together so, I imagined his opinion was a good one. 

I run a cj et5 pre and a pass xa25 amp in the main rig. Lovely combo. Holographic soundstage and sweet midrange w taut bass. I like the little pass amp better than the all the cj amps I’ve had.