Most underrated composer of 20th Century?

My choice is Bohuslav Martinu .
If Philip Glass becomes underrated, I think the world is in some deep doo doo.
Learsfool, you are no fool. I could not agree with you more and you put it perfectly.
Lesarsfool, actually, Andy didn't have to draw those over and over. He just picked a photo or drew the image once, had a photo film made, and then had had his studio assistants make silkscreens. Those were then able to be screen printed as fast as he could tell his studio assistants how to mix the ink. So I'm not so sure he had to work harder than Glass ;-)

Arguing the merits of minimalism (both visual and musical) is a zero sum game, no one ever convincingly gains the upper hand. So, how can we reduce the elements of a worthwhile aesthetic experience to the minimum without becoming so reductive that the experience is without meaning?