Optical digital cables?

I'm moving my KEF LS50 Wireless into another room and will have a turntable connected via analog so I'm going to need an optical cable for my Node 2. The two I'm looking at are:
-BlueJeans w/Mitsubishi ESKA fiber
-Lifatek Toslink

I need about 20"-24". I've had very good success with BJ cables before but is the Lifatec worth the $60ish premium for my application?

Thanks for any input.
I've had good luck with the AudioQuest optical cables but to be honest I don't do a lot of comparison of digital cables. 


The Lifatec had excellent SQ in my system from both my Mac and transport to DAC.
Never tried the BJ.
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Another option is to go to a commercial optical cable like what the internet providers use and have it terminated to your required size. These cables are very well made and made to an industry spec not to mention relatively inexpensive. find a local cable shop and ask then to cut and terminate a cable for your use. You do not need fancy audiophile optical cables go with the industry standard with appropriate specs