Want to try separates, what to expect.

Ok, I have always had an integrated amp or A/V receiver (briefly) as my main source for amplification. I started with a Lafayette tube amp that was my Granddad's. I have had a few different SS units from the late 70"s and the late 80's. I now an using a very nice Modwright KWI 200. I have this strong urge to try some modestly priced separates. Is this a move that will bring obvious sonic improvement or just subtle improvement. Just thought I would ask for opinions before I jump off that cliff. I'll likely still try it, you know how it goes in this hobby. Thanks, Allen (Mizike)
In many cases, you can expect zero improvement over a good integrated. And when mixing brands, there's a good chance you'll experience a higher noise floor. Good luck.
+ 1 hk fan and gochurchgo and soix
In an integrated solution they can of have all the electrical characteristics sorted out for you. So if it is a sound real close to what you like you can just swap out speaker cables, power cord and finely tune it. Going separates you may never equal that , but there is a bigger upside when going separates if you like to try and listen and swap out until you are happy. 
Depends on how curious and open to learning you are. Since you have not had separates nor have worked with them, I encourage you to give it a go.

I went from integrateds to separates to integrateds to separates and now am back to an integrated.
I consider doing the same in the coming years, well, almost the same because I don't think I need preamp - volume is controlled on a tape deck and I need only one input.
Other things being equal, separates are always a way to go. But cables, cords, cost, space.
That said, I might choose to go with Gryphon integrated instead of lower fidelity brand separates. It would depend on funds and availability, I guess.