Is Speaker design evolution stagnant

Based on what I read from speaker manufacturers, many use the same drivers but apply different crossover philosophies to achieve a particular sound.

My simplistic understanding is that while limiting the range of high or low signals , the remaining signal is corrupted ( phase inversions, roll off, etc.. ).

With today’s technology, why aren’t more speaker manufacturers using active crossovers to be connected after the preamp and sending exact spectrum signals separately to be amplified to each driver.  That would Eliminate all electronics inside the speaker cabinet except the drivers. Each driver gets fed only the signal that it works best at. No out of phase, half phase, quarter phase issues, no phase angle issues. 100% of the power goes to each driver without limiters to scale it back.  I think Bryston Model T Actives is designed this way ( don’t work for them and not pushing any product). Am I looking at it too simply? Do electronic crossover play havoc on signals the way inductors and capacitors do?

Some speaker manufacturers have gone half way with built in woofer amps ( Vaughn?)

Of course you would need a 3 channel amp for each side ( based on W/M/T config) or some variable of mono amps, whatever.

@jacksky -

Build a pre-designed kit. Start there. Something inexpensive. After you have built it, you can tweak it to your hearts content.

Building a 2-way kit would answer most of your questions, and leave you more expert than most people. 


fascinating technologies, Really fun stuff.  Great practical applications.
I think plasma speakers are pretty cool too.

in the 70’s I saw foam flat panel speakers. They sounded eh...ok at low volume.  The beauty is , as you stated - single driver so no crossover.  But if you pumped more power into them they would catch on fire.  


Jack, GR Research offers a number of speaker kits that are not too difficult for a 1st time DIYer. Check out the website.

By the way, the OB/Dipole subs found in some of the GT Audio Works speakers (mentioned above by faxer) are actually a design/product made in a joint effort between Danny Richie of GR Research and Brian Ding of Rythmik Audio. Fantastic subs!

I have a pair of Bertagni SM100's. These are planar two-ways made out of Styrofoam. Two magnet/voice coils embedded in the foam. One in the middle for bass/midrange. One above it for treble with a single cap. Sounds good only at lower SPL's. And no, haven't caught fire yet!
One more time. Here is a link to Madisound for the Linkwitz LXmini speaker kit. There are online videos from folks who have built these. 
Active DSP crossover w/ Linkwitz design genius offer great, no, GREAT sound.

Kit is about $530, You assemble and paint. 

Check it out. I have the early version and love them.