New to HiFi, need digital advice.

I am not an audiophile but I recently acquired a really nice high end system for free. (AR LS16 preamp, Madrigal Proceed HPA2 amp, Arcam CD92 CD player, Aerial Acoustics 7B tower speakers.  I have been learning as much as I can over the last week since I got it.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to put together a decent but not necessarily high end digital input system for as little money as possible.

So here is my plan. I know it is not high end and probably not commensurate with my system but hopefully will meet my needs:

Old iMac using iTunes to manage flac or alac files plugged into Schiit Modi 2 via USB cable and then into preamp via USB cable. I can us Apple's remote app on my iPhone to select/play music remotely (Works great).

Does this sound reasonable? If so it will only cost me about $100 for the Schiit DAC and $25 for a decent set of RCA cables (already purchased) and whatever I might need to spend on the USB cable. Anything I should know about the USB cable for this?

Thanks for the advice and apologies for my ignorance in all of this.

Why go through all this trouble? A Bluesound streaming device like Node2 or Node100 - on sale for $199, will give you access to huge libraries of music right at your fingertips. It will even make your tuner obsolete by allowing you to listen to (internet) radio from all over the world. Take a look. It could be exactly what you need.
Thanks. I will consider that as well but the question (because I'm new to this) remains, how does one of these interface with the pre-amp and how can I control it remotely? (Of course I can and will research this myself.)
There are many ways to go about it. @kalali 's recommendation to consider a Bluesound product is a great place to start. 

I suggest Computer Audiophile for your research on your thread topic.

n80, if your Mac is running OS 10.4 to about 10.6 you will see the Optical Digital Out Port setting in System Preferences/Sound as soon as the Y-cord is inserted into the headphone jack. Otherwise, Preferences/Sound will display Internal Speakers.

May I ask why you are changing to optical output when you already have the USB setup from the Mac?

I'll jump on the bandwagon and suggest getting a streamer as well. But if you have many audio files ripped, you will still want to access your iMac.