Nuprime st10 or nuforce sta200, or parasound a23

Hi, in thinking to upgrade my amp  a parasound zamp v3, it's powering a pair of paradigm signature s1v3, looking to improve depth, imaging and mid frequencies .
Despite of price differences, which one would you recommend?
Thanks four your advice
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Hi mrdecibel, at this point I am nut sure if I will hold onto my new STA 200.  I have a bit of a grainy high end  that I did not from my modest tube amps.  I only have a limited number of hours on it but am not convinced it is a break in issue.
Based on the Goldmund circuit used originally in the JOB amplifiers, the STA200 has, besides what I have mentioned above, an extremely wide bandwidth. Put them all together, and you have an amp that will " amplify " everything, including distortions and noises from anywhere. I found that it needed about 200 playing hours to where things smoothed out and the melodic nature of the amp became coherent. Tubes would likely be rolled off in comparison, and / or with just a bit of added color and warmth. I am sure your preamp volume control is set lower with the Nuforce than with the tube amps. It's whatever you like...…..Enjoy ! MrD.
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You are correct on all counts. The volume control is a quarter versus where it was with my tube amps. Prior to purchase I was aware of the high gain and planning on purchasing a passive to place between the amp and tube preamp which I will tomorrow. Besides this I have heard so little about the amp I am not sure what to expect.  By the way, do you leave yours on 24/7?