Why is Oppo stopping products.

Just went to their website and they are no longer making new products. 
Would that be Asians from the Indian subcontinent? Asian-Americans? Khmer? Thai? Hmong? Han Chinese?  

Most readers know (and you probably already know) how ridiculous your generalization is. 
" Asians think in terms of decades, Americans about 4-5 months tops."

     I think a more accurate statement is that Chinese and Russian communist governments tend to think in terms of 5 and 10 year plans and that capitalists tend to think in terms of as many years as possible while still having faith in the reliability of their projection models.

The timing is VERY suspicious.... just weeks into the "trade war" and Oppo dumps its California design team into the Pacific...... both my Oppo players have labeled on the back "Oppp Digital, California, USA".... but of course somewhere else it says made in China.  It seems to me they are cutting some US ties. 

Yes, if ISP’s start throttling/blocking competitors the whole streaming thing could go belly up. Then we would have a few years of market disruption before a new way of listening/purchasing music/movies would evolve. Even radio would be effected by this. We’ve become so depending on the internet it’s scary to think of it going away. Could you imagine having to make the decision between listening to the latest Favorite Musician tune or paying your Visa bill? Oh god, we would have to go back to writing and mailing checks and letters. No, stop, the horror! Excuse me, I need to get a frosty beverage.

I don’t like to speculate or assume anything, so when I see something I don’t understand, I pickup the phone or fire off an email.


When I spoke to them, they said they had enough money in the bank to do another production run of players. Then, because disc players are moving so slow, they would have to wait a year or two or more to sell them. During that time, they would have to hope enough players sold each month to to make expenses. Or they could take that money, downsize the operation, and keep their current customers happy, and their remaining employees paid, for the next three years.

To be honest, when the Oppo 4K players were announced, I called up my dealer and said "I’m excited, put me on the list for one." And then, when they started to ship, I found out that there were no streaming apps. I was using some of those apps in my current player, and was disappointed about that. I spoke briefly with my Oppo dealer about this. And then, I drug my feet for about 6 months before I actually purchased the player. I wonder if I’m just a little responsible for this mess.

I’m sad to see Oppo close it’s doors. Over the years I’ve seen many audio companies that I liked come and go. I’ve spoke on the phone with many of them, met them at shows and dealers, and made some friends. When I look at what’s left of High End Audio, I just want to cry. Life move’s on, things change, learn to deal with it.


You're hearing about it after the Trade War started.  The decision was made months ago.  When I purchased my Unit about 6 months ago, my Dealer actually hinted at it.  I had called to purchase a Subwoofer, and he said "If you're still on the fence about the Oppo, you better make your decision soon while I can still get product."  I ordered the Oppo later that day.