Running DCS Vivladi DIRECT?

Hey Folks,

Anybody out there who cares to comment on running the Vivaldi DAC direct  to the Power amp.

Please compare with running through your favorite preamp and elucidate the differences.

Thanks & keep enjoying our hobby!

Ag insider logo xs@2xsthekepat
Will you guys please get of your hobby horses and do some simple maths.

My amps rated sensitivity is 750mV. The 600mV output of the (0dBFS) of the DAC preserves as much of the potential dynamic range in the signal without needing either attenuation (acceptable but undesirable) or amplification (always and in every case undesirable)

When using a test tone at -20dBFS my preferred volume settings were in the range of -9 to -14dB -- now no one listens to test tones, we listen to music with dynamic range -- in the case of the dynamic range database the peak to median level for the Stacey Kent track I use is 14dB (which by the way I play at the -9dB setting) -- if we assume (which is wrong) that the test tone represents the median (it doesn’t as test tones tend to need to be played lower than music) then the setup I have corresponds to peaks almost exactly hitting unity gain

I know you people believe that in all circumstances a preamp is bad but none of you have offered any explanation as to why the direct connection appeared to limit dynamic range and cause the peaks in the tracks (especially vocals) to harden?

ps interesting that only now do you talk about bit stripping .. of course by using the dCS at 0dB this problem is avoided, plus I understand that the implementation of the Vivaldi DAC avoids this issue ...
Post removed 
ps interesting that only now do you talk about bit stripping ..

Please read the first page, starting 1/3 down, I mention it in 4 post!
I've heard of selective hearing, but selective reading?

Cheers George
Sorry, but you're confused.

If you keep the volume on the Vivaldi between -9-14dB for a -20dBFS signal, the volume level on the Vivaldi will still be at -9-14dB for a 0dBFS peak signal. The attenuation level stays constant irrespective of the source's signal amplitude, the same attenuation level is applied to a -20dBFS signal and a 0dBFS signal.

-20dBFS signal + 9dB attenuation = -29dBFS signal
   0dBFS signal + 9dB attenuation =   -9dBFS signal

So you always listen at -9-14dBFS peak levels.

Keeping the volume between -9-14dB on the Vivaldi for the 0.6V setting means the output level is too high.