Fraud Alert: Audio Zoom Zoom, Netherlands

Beware: I paid almost $15K to Audio Zoom Zoom (Netherlands) for a Kondo Souga amplifier and all communication stopped completely as soon as the money was paid. Guy goes by the name Varchi.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmusicm
Hopefully you paid on visa? Or similar. 

Keep posting about bout these scum bags guys in this thread, so the name ranks in google and is visible online to warn others of this low life! Maybe pay him a visit to buy his rolls or Bentley? 🤛🏻
prpixel made notes that site has been specifially built for fishing and fishing was a success or at least several.
you come to netherlands and find nobody and that's how that works so don't spend your funds on ticket. $15k might not be enough to inform interpol as well. the site was created to succeed just because audiophile crowd is wealthy and naive just like fish. 

We (the world community) MUST agree on standards to neuter these morons. I see an opportunity to create a business for bonding a website.
A website would be required to display its bonded license number which a potential customer could verify on the bonding website. Something along these lines.
Also, we must demand harsher prison sentencing for perpetrators e.g. 10 year minimum with NO access to ANY electronic devices and confiscation of all personal property. That would be a good start.
Sending money to Nigeria (or the Netherlands, for that matter) just makes NO sense! I empathize with your situation ($15K, yikes), but sending that kind of money is crazy. I hope you get some of it back. Audio Zoom Zoom, really? Caveat emptor!

P.S. If someone ripped me off for $15K, I’d be on a plane the next day.