
Hi all. I have the upgrade bug. Kicking around moving from my Anthem 225i to separates.  I'm using GoldenEar Triton 1s. Has anyone tired the Nuprime ST 10? More and more companies seem to be making huge strides with Class D. The ST10 gets glowing reviews and it's pretty inexpensive. Also wondering how the combination would be with a tube preamp. Actually I'm even wondering if it would REALLY be an upgrade....I do like the Anthem. Thoughts?
I've had one for almost two years in a second system with Spatial OB speakers and it a very good amp at a more than reasonable price.  It has gone against more costly competition in that system and won every time so far.  Great combination with the DAC-10.
When I look at how my systems are laid out, I wonder if I am a contrarian or crazy or both.  All to say I had been using a tube power amp (Prima Luna PL5) with a solid state preamp/ cd player (Musical Fidelity CD Pre 24) for 12 or 13 years.  The reverse of what you are doing.  Speakers have changed once from Acoustic Research 302s to Opera Plateas.  

I don't know if I was getting bored, the winter was getting to me, my hearing was going, but my longstanding system was not speaking to me anymore.  

I read about the Class D Audio CDA 250 power amp and my curiosity started to get the best of me.  I scratched the itch so to speak and swapped out the PL5 with the CDA 250.  With the 10% off special, it cost me $450 ... chewing gum money in the audio world.  

4 months in and I am not having any remorse.  System has more oomph, which I was hoping for.  The sound is not fatiguing at all with CDs or records, which is a plus as I can get antsy during several hours long listening sessions.  Very enjoyable.  

I would give a class D amp a shot.  Can't speak to the Nuprime, but I can plug the Class D Audio CDA 250.

- Rich 

As I write this ... listening to Neil Young's 'After the Gold Rush' on vinyl on a second system (Rega Brio R integrated, Technics SL1210GR w/ Shelter cartridge, Omega Super 7 MKII speakers).  A rare day off and an opportunity to re-visit long forgotten music ... 'Ram' by Sir Paul, 'Night and Day' by Joe Jackson, Neil ... Elvis can't be too far behind.
A rare chance to really sit and listen tonight. My stuff sounds quite good. I do wonder what I would gain upgrading. Especially because my room probably limits things. Ugh...too much to think about.